Why Choose St. Croix Hospice in Princeton, MN

Local St. Croix Hospice caregivers in Princeton live in the communities they serve. Our team provides in-person care for hospice patients wherever they call home, including private residences, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Find out more about the expert hospice care we provide in your community.

Services We Offer

Expert Clinical Care

With a holistic hospice approach, our model puts patients at the center, guided by their local Stevens Point care team who provide expert physical, emotional and spiritual support through every step of the hospice journey.

Learn about Expert Clinical Care
Family Support

At St. Croix Hospice, we understand how critical it is to support a patient’s loved ones throughout their hospice journey. Our family support programs help address end-of-life concerns, recommend resources for advanced care planning, offer respite and vigil support and provide bereavement support.

Learn about Family Support
Voyage Vigil Program™

When signs and symptoms suggest a patient is approaching the end of their hospice journey, we increase care team presence to offer patients and family members as much support as possible at the end of life.

Learn about the Voyage Vigil Program™ Program
Lighthouse End-of-Life Planning Program®

Take charge of your future and illuminate the path for your loved ones with the support of our care team in Princeton. Our Lighthouse End-of-Life Planning Program® offers complimentary resources, guidance and education in preparing you for the end-of-life journey.

Learn about the Lighthouse End-of-Life Planning Program™
Contact Us
110 S. Rum River Dr. Suite 4 Princeton, MN 55371-1816 763-290-6914 Send Us A Message
We're Hiring

We're always on the lookout for passionate professionals to join our hospice care team. From Hospice Aides to Registered Nurses, all team members are offered a competitive salary and benefits package.

See Open Positions