Loved ones shape who we are and how we see the world. When they pass away, it is a profound change. Grieving that loss can bring about a wave of emotions, affecting spiritual, social, intellectual and physical health. Although we all experience grief, everyone’s reaction is unique. Because every person walks their own path through grief and healing, there are no rules, time limits or “right” ways to grieve.
At St. Croix Hospice, our commitment to families doesn’t end when a loved one dies. Our bereavement team offers ongoing support as you navigate your own personal grief journey.
The bereavement support we offer for 13 months after your loved one’s death includes:
- Check-in phone calls or visits
- Grief and loss newsletters and communication
- Referrals to community and online resources, including grief support groups and counselors
Local and Virtual Grief Support Groups and Bereavement Events
St. Croix Hospice is pleased to offer virtual and local in-person grief support groups and bereavement events including Spousal Grief Support groups, Grief During the Holidays events, Teen Support Group and more. Click the link below to view the full listing of upcoming and ongoing events online or in your community.
Can I receive bereavement support, even if my loved one was not on St. Croix Hospice?
Yes, our bereavement support is open to the public. You are able to sign up for support groups or individual support regardless of if your loved one was on services with St. Croix Hospice.
I signed up for a Virtual Grief Support Group on the website, how do I join the day of?
EventBrite will send email reminders on behalf of St. Croix Hospice with links to the online support group 48 hours prior to the event. If you don’t have an email with the link check your Spam email or reach out to our team at